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Requirements A Paper server (or other derivative) running 1.19.4 or above Downloading Download the BattleArena plugin Stop your server and place the plugins in your plugins folder Start the server and BattleArena will load
Map Creation
Overview BattleArena comes with a handful of arenas built-in. An "Arena" in BattleArena represents an individual mode. A "Map" is used to denote an actual game map that is used. A "Competition" is what will occur in the map. Maps can exist without an active c...
Arena Configuration
Overview BattleArena offers a significant amount of flexibility when it comes to configuring arenas. All arenas in BattleArena are located in the plugins/BattleArena/arenas directory. All of these can be modified, deleted and new ones can be added. For the ...
Creating Custom Modes
Overview This page covers creating a custom arena mode with some more advanced features. It largely picks up from the Arena Configuration page, so before continuing on with this section, it's recommended to familiarize yourself with the arena configurations. ...
Event Reference
Overview This page contains all the events built in to BattleArena natively. Additional modules or extensions may add new events, which will be included on their documentation page. Events List Event Description on-start Called when a phase sta...
Action Reference
Overview This page contains all the actions built in to BattleArena natively. Additional modules or extensions may add new actions, which will be included on their documentation page. Actions List <, > denotes a required option [, ] denotes an optional o...
Option Reference
Overview This page contains all the options built in to BattleArena natively. Additional modules or extensions may add new options, which will be included on their documentation page. Options List Option Description Syntax block-break Whet...
Overview This page covers the main configuration for BattleArena (config.yml). For information about arena configurations, see the Arena Configuration page. Config Options backup-inventories Description: Whether player inventories should be backed up whe...
BattleArena Commands This contains commands for the /battlearena (or /ba) command. These are not tied to a specific arena. Command Description /battlearena backups <player> Shows backups that a player has saved. /battlearena backup <player>...
BattleArena Command Permissions This contains permissions for the /battlearena (or /ba) command. These are not tied to a specific arena. Permission Command battlearena.command.backups /battlearena backups battlearena.command.backup /battle...
Overview This page covers the main teams configuration for BattleArena. Per-arena team configurations are covered in more detail in the Arena Configuration page. Teams Configuration The main teams configuration in BattleArena is located in the plugins/Battl...
Item Syntax
BattleArena has an item format that is used for creating items in config. A few examples of where this format is used is in the Classes module, as well as for the Give Item Action, among other places. Item Options Name Description Type color Th...
Requirements A Paper server (or other derivative) running 1.20.6 or above Downloading Download the VirtualPlayers plugin Stop your server and place the plugins in your plugins folder Start the server and VirtualPlayers will load
Command Description /vp create <name> Creates a new virtual player. /vp remove <name> Removes a virtual player. /vp removeall Removes all virtual players. /vp select <player> Select a virtual player. /vp observe <player> Ob...
Permission Command /vp [help] virtualplayers.command.create /vp create virtualplayers.command.remove /vp remove virtualplayers.command.removeall /vp removeall /vp se...
Utilizing Virtual Players
Virtual players can be created using the /vp create <name> command. By default, most actions from virtual players will not be sent to observers. In order to see all chat and command messages the virtual player receives, you must run /vp verbose [true|false]. V...
Getting Started
VirtualPlayers comes with an API which can be used by developers. Follow the steps below to add the API as a dependency. Adding the BattlePlugins Repository Gradle (Kotlin DSL) repositories { maven("") maven(...
VirtualPlayers API
The VirtualPlayers API can be accessed through the VirtualPlayers class, by calling VirtualPlayers.api(). A VirtualPlayer can be created using the createVirtualPlayer(String) method. A VirtualPlayer extends Bukkit's Player class, meaning all functions availa...
Victory Conditions Reference
Overview This page contains all the victory conditions built in to BattleArena natively. Additional modules or extensions may add new actions, which will be included on their documentation page. Victory Conditions List Highest Stat Description: A victory...
Time Format
In many places in BattleArena, a duration is specified a configuration option. Time durations are abbreviated and multiple can be chained together. Duration Abbreviations y: Years M (uppercase): Months w: Weeks d: Days h: Hours m (lowercase): Minutes ...