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BattleArena Commands

This contains commands for the /battlearena (or /ba) command. These are not tied to a specific arena.

/battlearena backups <player>
Shows backups that a player has saved.
/battlearena backup <player>
Creates a manual backup of a player inventory.
/battlearena debug
Toggles debug mode.
/battlearena module
Lists all modules.
/battlearena reload
Reloads the plugin.
/battlearena restore <player> <number>
Restores a backup for a player. Backup numbers can be found with the /battlearena backups <player> command.
/battlearena schedule <arena> <duration>
Schedules an event to start at the specified time.
/battlearena start <arena>
Starts an event manually
/battlearena stop <arena>
Stops an event manually.
/battlearena stopall
Stops all events manually.

Arena Commands

These are commands that any Arena executor will have.

/<arena> advance
Advances the arena to the next phase.
/<arena> create
Creates a new map.
/<arena> edit <map> <map option>
Edits an arena map.
/<arena> join [map]
Joins an arena.
/<arena> list
Lists all maps and competitions in them.
/<arena> kick <player>
Kicks a player from the arena.
/<arena> leave
Leaves the arena.
/<arena> team join <team>
Joins a team. Only works if team selection is set to pick in the arena's team-options.
/<arena> team leave <team> Joins a team. Only works if team selection is set to pick in the arena's team-options.
/<arena> team list Lists all available teams.
/<arena> remove <map>
Removes a map.
/<arena> spectate [map]
Spectates an arena.