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Combat Logging

BattleTracker includes a configurable combat logging feature that places players "in combat" when they attack another player. If they log out, they will be killed and their attacker will receive credit for the kill.


The combat logging configuration can be found in the plugins/BattleTracker/features/combat-log.yml YML file. 


  • enabled (default: true) - Whether combat logging is enabled.
  • disabled-worlds (default: empty list) - The worlds combat logging is disabled in.
  • combat-time (default: 10) - How long a player will be tagged for combat once hit.
  • combat-self (default: false) - Whether a player will be placed in combat if they inflict damage on themselves.
  • combat-entities (default: true) - Whether a player will be marked as in combat when they hit an entity, or are attacked by an entity.
  • combat-entities (default: true) - Whether a player will be marked as in combat when they hit a player, or are attacked by a player.
  • display-method (default: action_bar) - The type of message used to display to a player how long they have left in combat.
    • action_bar: Displays in the action bar how much time a player has left in combat
    • bossbar: Displays in the bossbar how much time a player has left in combat
    • chat: Displays in the chat how much time a player has left in combat
    • title: Displays in the title how much time a player has left in combat
    • subtitle: Displays in the subtitle how much time a player has left in combat
    • none: No message will be displayed
  • allow-permission-bypass (default: false) - Whether having the "battletracker.combatlog.bypass" permission will exempt a player from being in combat.
  • disabled-entities Which entities will not mark a player as in combat when they are hit by them
  • disabled-commands The commands that are disabled when a player is in combat