User Guide
Contains all the information relating to running the BattleTracker plugin.
Plugin Overview
BattleTracker is a standalone plugin that tracks PVP & PVE statistics along with a suite of comba...
Requirements A Paper server (or other derivative) running 1.19.4 or above Downloading Do...
Documentation for all the features that BattleTracker includes.
PVP and PVE Trackers
One of the core features of BattleTracker is its robust tracking system for PVP and PVE statistic...
Death Messages
BattleTracker provides customizable death messages that can be displayed to players when they are...
Damage Recaps
BattleTracker also includes a damage recap feature that displays a summary of the damage dealt an...
Combat Logging
BattleTracker includes a configurable combat logging feature that places players "in combat" when...
Damage Indicators
Inside BattleTracker, there is also toggleable damage indicators, which show to a player how much...
Tracker Commands These are the commands present for any tracker. By default, these will include ...
Permission Description battletracker.command.<tracker>.top Permission for the /<trac...
Plugin Integrations
Integrations with third party plugins to extend BattleTracker functionality.