Placeholder API
Within BattleArena, there is support to display arena info through a plugin called PlaceholderAPI. If you are unfamiliar with the plugin, it allows for you to show information with certain placeholders (e.g. %player_name% will return the player name) in plugins that have support for PlaceholderAPI. An example usage of this is displaying the number of players in a competition on a hologram through PlaceholderAPI.
These are the placeholders for BattleArena. They are split into three sections: general placeholders, map placeholders and competition placeholders. General placeholders are not tied to a specific competition and show general information about arenas. Map placeholders pull information from a specific map. Competition placeholders will only resolve for players in a competition and will vary from player to player depending on which competition they are in.
General Placeholders
These placeholders show statistics for the arena specified. This information will look the same to each player seeing it in-game. <arena> is a placeholder for the arena to display information on (i.e. arena, battlegrounds, skirmish, etc.)
- %ba_<arena>_active_competitions%: Displays the number of active competitions for this arena type.
- %ba_<arena>_online_players%: The number of online players (alive & spectator) across all competitions of this arena type.
- %ba_<arena>_alive_players%: The number of alive players across all competitions of this arena type.
- %ba_<arena>_spectators%: The number of alive players across all competitions of this arena type.
- %ba_<arena>_waiting_competitions%: The number of waiting competitions for this arena type.
- %ba_<arena>_ingame_competitions%: The number of ingame competitions for this arena type.
Map Placeholders
These placeholders show statistics for the arena and map specified. This information will look the same to each player seeing it in-game. <arena> is a placeholder for the arena to display information on (i.e. arena, battlegrounds, skirmish, etc.), and <map> is the name of the map.
- %ba_<arena>_map_<map>_arena%: The name of the arena that the competition belongs to (i.e. Arena, Skirmish, etc.)
- %ba_<arena>_map_<map>_alive_players%: The number of alive players in the competition.
- %ba_<arena>_map_<map>_online_players%: The number of online players (alive & spectator) in the competition.
- %ba_<arena>_map_<map>_map%: The name of the map this competition is taking place in.
- %ba_<arena>_map_<map>_max_players%: The maximum players that can play in this competition.
- %ba_<arena>_map_<map>_spectators%: The number of spectators in the competition.
- %ba_<arena>_map_<map>_phase%: The phase this competition is currently in (i.e. waiting, countdown, etc.)
- %ba_<arena>_map_<map>_time_remaining%: The time remaining for the competition (i.e. 4 minutes)
- %ba_<arena>_map_<map>_time_remaining_short%: The time remaining for the competition with a shorter format (i.e. 00:04)
- %ba_<arena>_map_<map>_remaining_start_time%: The amount of time until the competition starts (only resolves during the countdown phase)
Competition Placeholders
These placeholders resolve for the current competition the player is in.
- %ba_competition_arena%: The name of the arena that the competition belongs to (i.e. Arena, Skirmish, etc.)
- %ba_competition_alive_players%: The number of alive players in the competition.
- %ba_competition_online_players%: The number of online players (alive & spectator) in the competition.
- %ba_competition_map%: The name of the map this competition is taking place in.
- %ba_competition_max_players%: The maximum players that can play in this competition.
- %ba_competition_spectators%: The number of spectators in the competition.
- %ba_competition_phase%: The phase this competition is currently in (i.e. waiting, countdown, etc.)
- %ba_competition_team%: The team the player belongs to in this competition.
- %ba_competition_time_remaining%: The time remaining for the competition (i.e. 4 minutes)
- %ba_competition_time_remaining_short%: The time remaining for the competition with a shorter format (i.e. 00:04)
- %ba_competition_remaining_start_time%: The amount of time until the competition starts (only resolves during the countdown phase)