Frequently Asked Questions
Is BattleArena survival friendly?
BattleArena was designed with a large emphasis on survival Minecraft servers. BattleArena works alongside existing Minecraft plugins on survival servers to offer additional experiences alongside traditional survival modes. Arena isolation is a core feature, allowing you to completely segment off BattleArena minigames from the rest of the server, but also can be ran without isolation (i.e. the Skirmish mode), allowing players to bring in their survival items.
My server crashed and players lost their inventories
In the event of a server crash, BattleArena has an inventory backup system implemented to alleviate this. Simply run /ba backups <player> to view all the backups a player has. By default, BattleArena will save back to 5 inventory backups, which can be changed in the configuration.
Running /ba restore <player> <backup index> will restore a player's inventory to the backup specified. This will clear the player's current inventory, so ensure that you wish to perform this command!