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PVP and PVE Trackers

One of the core features of BattleTracker is its robust tracking system for PVP and PVE statistics. BattleTracker tracks a variety of statistics including kills, deaths, killstreaks, and more. These statistics are saved in MySQL or SQLite, allowing them to be shared across Minecraft servers, or accessed by web applications. 


By default, BattleTracker has support for both PVP and PVE tracking. These configurations can be found in the plugins/BattleTracker/trackers/pvp.yml and plugins/BattleTracker/trackers/pve.yml YML files respectively.


By default, each tracker supports recaps, which recaps information about when a player took damage. This also includes information such as a player's inventory or armor at the time of the recap.


  • enabled (default: true) - Whether recaps are enabled.
  • display-content (default: armor) - What is displayed when a recap is viewed.
    • all: Shows a player's full inventory and armor at the time of their death
    • armor: Shows a player's armor at the time of their death
    • recap: Only includes the damage recap of a player, excluding armor and inventory
  • hover-recap (default: true) - Whether a small recap should be shown when a death message is hovered over

Tracked Statistics

Which statistics are tracked by a tracker. The options available are pvp, pve and world. By default, BattleTracker splits this into two trackers, with PVP tracking exclusively PVP data, and PVE tracking both PVE and world data.


Which calculator is used to rank players in leaderboards. By default, this is elo. As of BattleTracker 4.0.0, only elo is supported.


Whether the killstreak feature is enabled. A killstreak occurs when a player kills a certain number of players in a row without dying.


  • enabled (default: true in pvp.yml; false in pve.yml) - Whether killstreaks are enabled.
  • minimum-kills (default: 5) - The minimum number of kills before it is announced in chat that a player is on a killstreak
  • killstreak-message-interval (default: 5) - The interval in which killstreak messages are broadcasted. With the default value of 5, a killstreak message will only be broadcasted for a multiple of 5 kills (i.e. 5, 10, 15, 20, etc.)
  • audience (default: global) - The audience that the killstreak message will be broadcasted to
    • global: All players on the server
    • world: Only players in the same world
    • local: Only the player and the target
    • arena: Only players in the same arena (requires BattleArena)