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Placeholder API

Within BattleTracker, there is support to display tracker info through a plugin called PlaceholderAPI. If you are unfamiliar with the plugin, it allows for you to show information with certain placeholders (e.g. %player_name% will return the player name) in plugins that have support for PlaceholderAPI. An example usage of this is displaying your PVP kills through BattleTracker on a scoreboard through PlaceholderAPI.

If you also have BattleArena installed, you can display tracker information from it too. An example usage of this is displaying the top players in arena. The support for these placeholders even extends to custom arena games you have created or even plugins that hook into BattleTracker directly for stats.


These are the placeholders for BattleTracker. They are split into two sections: player placeholders and rating placeholders. Player placeholders get information on the player that "sees" the placeholder. The rating placeholders get information about players for the rating you specify.

Player Placeholders

These placeholders show statistics for the player viewing the information. This information will look different to each player seeing it in-game. <tracker> below can be replaced with any tracker BattleTracker has registered (i.e. pvp, pve).

  • %bt_<tracker>_kills%: Displays the number of kills.
  • %bt_<tracker>_losses%: Displays the number of losses.
  • %bt_<tracker>_ties%: Displays the number of ties.
  • %bt_<tracker>_streak%: Displays the current streak.
  • %bt_<tracker>_max_streak%: Displays the max streak.
  • %bt_<tracker>_ranking%: Displays the current ranking.
  • %bt_<tracker>_max_ranking%: Displays the max ranking reached.
  • %bt_<tracker>_rating%: Displays the current rating.
  • %bt_<tracker>_max_rating%: Displays the max rating reached.
  • %bt_<tracker>_kd_ratio%: Displays the kills-to-deaths ratio.
  • %bt_<tracker>_max_kd_ratio%: Displays the max kills-to-death ratio.

If you are using BattleArena, replace the tracker name with the name of your arena.

Rating Placeholders

These placeholders show statistics for the top players. The placeholder must be specified with a rating at the end. <tracker> below can be replaced with any tracker BattleTracker has registered (i.e. pvp, pve). <rating> below can be replaced with the rating you want to get placeholder information from. For example, 1 will get information from the #1 player on the leaderboard.

  • %bt_<tracker>_top_kills_<rating>%: Displays the number of kills.
  • %bt_<tracker>_top_losses_<rating>%: Displays the number of losses.
  • %bt_<tracker>_top_ties_<rating>%: Displays the number of ties.
  • %bt_<tracker>_top_streak_<rating>%: Displays the current streak.
  • %bt_<tracker>_top_max_streak_<rating>%: Displays the max streak.
  • %bt_<tracker>_top_ranking_<rating>%: Displays the current ranking.
  • %bt_<tracker>_top_max_ranking_<rating>%: Displays the max ranking reached.
  • %bt_<tracker>_top_rating_<rating>%: Displays the current rating.
  • %bt_<tracker>_top_max_rating_<rating>%: Displays the max rating reached.
  • %bt_<tracker>_top_kd_ratio_<rating>%: Displays the kills-to-deaths ratio.
  • %bt_<tracker>_top_max_kd_ratio_<rating>%: Displays the max kills-to-deaths ratio.

Additionally, if you wish to get the name or UUID of the user that holds a certain rating, you can add _name or _uuid to the end of the placeholder (i.e. %bt_<tracker>_top_kills_<rating>_name%).

If you are using BattleArena, replace the tracker name with the name of your arena.