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Vault Integration

BattleArena comes pre-installed with a Vault integration module which hooks into currency plugins and lets you give or take currency or permissions.

Configuring the Module

This module can be enabled by adding vault-integration to the modules section of your Arena Configuration.


  • <, > denotes a required option
  • [, ] denotes an optional option
  • Options are separated using the semicolon (;)
Add Permission
  • Description: Adds a permission to a player.
  • Options
    • <permission> The permission to add to the player.
    • [transient] Whether the permission is transient, meaning it will not be permanently added to the player
  • Syntax
    • add-permission{permission=<permission>;transient=[transient]}
Remove Permission
  • Description: Removes a permission from a player.
  • Options
    • <permission> The permission to remove from the player.
    • [transient] Whether the permission is transient, meaning it will not be permanently removed from the player
  • Syntax
    • remove-permission{permission=<permission>;transient=[transient]}
Edit Currency
  • Description: Deposits (or withdraws) a value from a player's currency.
  • Options
    • <amount> The amount to add or remove from a player's balance.
    • [bank] The bank to update the currency for. If unspecified, the default currency will be used
  • Syntax
    • edit-currency{amount=<amount>;bank=[bank]}