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Arena Management
Additional Resources
The main documentation page for the ArenaSpleef plugin.
Capture the Flag
The main documentation page for the ArenaCTF plugin.
Built-in Modules
Contains documentation for modules that are built-in the BattleArena plugin.
Third Party Modules
A list of third party modules from the community not bundled in BattleArena.
The main documentation page for the ArenaPaintball plugin.
Documentation for all the features that BattleTracker includes.
Gamemode Templates
Templates for gamemodes in BattleArena that can be drag-and-dropped into the arenasĀ folder.
Plugin Integrations
Integrations with third party plugins to extend BattleTracker functionality.
Plugin Integrations
Integrations with third party plugins to extend BattleArena functionality.
Creating a Custom Arena Gamemode
An overview on how to create a custom arena gamemode.
Creating BattleArena Modules or Extensions
An overview on how to create custom modules or extensions for BattleArena.
The main documentation page for the ArenaParkour plugin.